(Originally written January 25, 2008)
Well this should be interesting. If anyone else has seen this movie, let me know!
The movie opens boasting the talents of musicians such as Benny Goodman and the Andrews Sisters, which is kinda cool, and for those who haven't heard of them, I shake my head.

The Back Cover
It is divided into musical segments, like Fantasia, but I assume this one just wasn't as popular. It starts out with Blue Bayou, a slow paced melody set n exactly as the title says. A crane walks around in the moonlit reflections of the waters.
Although peaceful, it in no way was made for the attention span of today's audience, and I just couldn't shake the image of Big Daddy throwing Raph at chief Wiggum as he gradually swims away.
Next is A Jazz Interlude, by Benny Goodman, "All the Cats Join In," which was a very funky jazzy tune featuring a jukebox and "orphan annie" type characters with no pupils. The only thing I didn't like was the lady in the background scatting. I don't really like jazz scat, it sounds like baby talk to me.
Ballad in Blue came next, a very sad blues tune.

Da Wolf!
Oh hello! Out of nowhere, Peter and the Wolf comes into the picture! I didn't even know this was originally in this movie! How delightful! The wolf is very scary, I had forgotten, but hilarious as he chases the duck first over ice, then under it. Good Lord!! He ATE the duck?!?!?!? Sonya?? Holy Jesus!! I didn't know Disney was THAT sadistic!!! That would be like Shere Kahn EATING Baloo! Holy!
He eats Sasha too! This is NOT the story I remember. Oh no, fakeout
That poor duck though!!
I find it comical that the bird spells out "Bonk" (in russian) and the narrator spells it "woll"
Oh hey. Sonya is actually alive! Good ol disney.
I'm going to skip waaaay ahead to see what the Andrews Sisters had to offer.
A story about two hats, in love. Well I sure got my hopes up. It was kinda cute though , theyre both in a dept. store window and she gets sold, leaving johnny fedora alone...but then he gets sold and "his heart becomes gay once more," (pausing in seriousness to say 'lol'). For a song about hats it was actually VERY charming. At the end they end up on horses, which I guess was the style at the time.
The came a whale who sang opera, everything from pagliacci, to Faust, to

Tristan and Isolde. At the end it turned out the entire thing was a daydream by the conductor, who is out sailing and ends up Harpooning the singing whale to make him a star and instead ends up killing him. Pretty sad stuff.
Well, I'm cutting this review short because I don't think any of you have seen this. I would definitely recommend it though, but waring: it is NOT for those with low attention spans. It is very charming and the drawings, as preclassic Disney are, are just superb and full of character.
Oh ya, My review of Jontas in English!
Pocahontas in English sucked.
The end.
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